Infant, Pediatric and Newborn Massage
With every massage a parent and baby experience together can promote possitive interaction, stimulates nervous system, relief of pains and relaxation between the two parties. Infant Massage also promotes health in these following ways:
Promotes bonding and secure attachment
Verbal/non-verbal communication between each other
Develops trust and confidence
Each massage stimulates the baby’s body and nervous system by relieving many stressful and uncomfortable occurrences that a baby might not be used to.
Gas and colic
Constipation and elimination
Growing pains and muscular tension
Teething discomfort
Massage Promotes Relaxation which May be Shown Through:
Improved sleep patterns
Increased flexibility and muscle tone
Regulation of behavioral states
Being calm and being able to calm themselves in any enviornment
Reduction in stress hormones
NICU Massages
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) has short-term advantages of gentle touch and massage for healthy term infants and for some growing and medically stable pre-term newborns. Parents of preemies gain confidence and greater security in their handling skills through healing loving touch. Parents of the preterm infant also benefit because infant massage enhances bonding with their child and increases confidence in their parenting skills. By performing these techniques on infants and teaching parents in the NICU we are enhancing the communication and stronger senses of touch.
Ask our Therapist to book an Appointment for your baby to recieve a Massage
Infant Massage Class (Pre-Natal to Crawling age)
Infant massage helps babies become calmer, smarter, sweeter individuals. Massaging your baby is a fun and exciting way to build a stronger connection, giving him or her a great new start to life. Infant Massage is a wonderful way for fathers and partners to become more involved. Parents, grandparents, and caregivers are all welcome to take this fun and enlightening class. Our Therapist will demonstrate with a doll or with you how to massage and calm your baby; dolls are available to practice with if baby needs a break.
Pre-Registration is required. Space is limited.
Session Fees of $45 covers 2 Adults and 1 Infant
3 consecutive sessions/ One Day Session
Approximately 1 hour sessions
In the comfort of your own home
Our Studio